Geting Lin


Geting is an associate at Wei Tu law firm* focusing on coporate and commercial matters. Geting has experiences in cross-broder financing, IPO, M&A, FDI, contract drafting and reviewing, corporate compliance and commercial dispute resolution.

Prior to joining Wei Tu, Geting worked as an in-house counsel in a listed Internet company and later a listed diary company.

* Wei Tu (a PRC law firm registered in Guangzhou) and Stephenson Harwood (a law firm registered in Hong Kong) are in a CEPA association under the name “Stephenson Harwood - Wei Tu (China) Association”. CEPA (Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement) is a free trade agreement concluded between Mainland China and Hong Kong. Under CEPA, Hong Kong based law firms are permitted to operate in association with Mainland Chinese law firms to provide comprehensive legal services in Mainland China governed by Chinese and non-Chinese laws.