LGBT dating app Grindr fined £8.6 million by Norway’s Data Protection Authority
In January 2020, the Norwegian Consumer Council made multiple complaints against Grindr for sharing users’ personal information with its advertisers which led to an investigation carried out by the Norwegian Data Protection Authority. The personal information subject to the breach is said to include users’ locations, age, gender and information that could reveal an individual’s sexuality. Grindr has alleged that it obtained valid consent from all its users and remains confident that it maintains good privacy practices throughout the app whilst the Norwegian Data Protection Authority has commented that the breaches are very severe.
My name is Olivia: How old am I?
A world in which we guessed someone's age based on their name alone would be a world riddled with inaccuracy and perhaps even embarrassment. But that is just what happened in Lower Saxony, Germany, where authorities guessed the age of patients eligible for a Covid-19 vaccine based on their first name.
The French police have been condemned by the French Data Protection Authority for their use of drones to monitor quarantine compliance
On 14 January 2021, the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL) issued a deliberation sanctioning the Ministry of Interior for unlawfully using drones with cameras to monitor compliance with quarantine measures. The Ministry was found to have used drones with no legal basis and had failed to communicate to CNIL that its data protection impact assessment had shown that there was a high risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals.